Tuesday, November 18, 2008


There are two types of prayers, the asking and the thanking prayer. The asking prayer is a tool to marshal the forces of our whole self to obtain survival qualities and goods. It works because the first step in obtaining something we want is to know what it is well enough to ask for it. The second step is to have a strong emotion generating the power to achieve it. The asking prayer is the precise forming of the correct words and emotions to communicate the ego’s desires to the higher soul self. Frequent communication of these desires with the higher self, either by prayer of goal setting, keeps it informed of what the ego wants in life.

Communication between the ego and the higher soul self is not always easy. The higher self uses dream symbols, hunches as well as actual words to communicate its desires and the answers to our prayers. The ego has difficulty perceiving these subtle messages and often misses them altogether. The higher self also has difficulty interpreting the ego’s messages. This is why emotion, precision and repetition are necessary for prayer to work; and, why in goal setting, they must be put down on paper and reviewed often. I find that simply meditating on the breath while chanting Holy Spirit or some other holy word is very effective in stimulating communication between the ego and soul. After much practice at this, the soul will send messages in visions, which are like short dreams which can be interpreted. This is one way you can know what soul wants you to do so it can complete its mission for this life.

The thanking prayer is actually the worship of a special part of God. It is that part of God that God wishes us to worship. I call this side of God the Son of God. The son is the best of all qualities for humans, the survival qualities. It is destructive for humans to worship the entire whole of God because within God lie the negative as well as the positive. God is all tolerant but species cannot afford to be. We cannot be tolerant of murder or stealing and the like. We also cannot worship the whole of God, but we can understand it and accept it in its entirety.

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